Since Practical Sustainability began, it has been completely powered by volunteer efforts.
Because selling products or accepting corporate sponsorship for this website would taint this project beyond repair – I’ve started a sister company that will sell products under it’s own power.
If successful – Solid Sustainability will donate 30% of profits towards Practical Sustainability projects and goals – as well as provide the necessary tools, workshop and equipment to tackle some seriously large open source sustainability projects!

Practical Sustainability performance

Even with zero budget, very infrequent updates, and no actual staff, practical sustainability has had a noticeable impact. With funding and facility support, we can accelerate all projects and efforts in a huge way.
The goals of Practical Sustainability have not changed. We will continue to create tutorials, schematics, and designs for sustainability related projects, and assist others to do so.
Unlike similar online efforts – we will not be forced to include novelty elements, fancy designs or expensive materials that are not practical for most DIY’ers. It is necessary for most free tutorial developers to do those kinds of things to generate traffic by having click bait elements.
Many of the most popular tutorials I have seen are impractical, but Practical Sustainability will have no need for such marketing elements in our designs – we can focus on pure practicality. Hopefully we can also afford full reviews of all designs, with ongoing iterations on each design tutorial to improve outcomes.
With funding, comprehensive videos will also be possible, rather than just text and schematics.
Here’s a very outdated project list:
How can you help?
I don’t have time to run any kind of campaign to support these efforts – but you can email me directly: Christopher -at-
Social media follows will also help a LOT!
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Thanks for listening! – Chris